Church Ministry
Peter Kumar works closely with the vision of the Pastor for their congregation and helps them see beyond the present .

Personal Ministry
Peter Kumar mentors people personally in one to one sessions for their spiritual growth or counseling or prophetic consultation.
Emmanuel ~ New Zealand
It was a blessing speaking with you yesterday. The session was very inspiring and the prophetic word was both a confirmation and clarity of my calling and encouraging. I am desperate to have more of God and just do not want less. If we are to follow Jesus, then we see that He preached/taught the […]
Revival Through God’s Eyes
That none should perish without an opportunity to REPENT and become a child of God through our LORD JESUS CHRIST
Revival Through Hell’s Eyes
The huge loss HELL will incur when millions will turn their hearts to God through the PARTNERSHIP efforts of FORERUNNERS who become NATION CHANGERS
Revival Through Forerunner’s Eyes
A believer believing in REVIVAL will be keen to become a Forerunner and Nation Changer.
Ordinary People Responding To An Extraordinary Call.

Market Place Ministry
Peter has a heart for missions and believes that those in the market place should enable millions to turn to God in nations.

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Praesent justo felis, lobortis sed viverra non, pulvinar eget eros. Sed tincidunt sem faucibus, consequat diam at, laoreet libero.